we spoke in lyrics
i saw your band last october, you covered songs by my favorite band. i drove my friend crazy asking her if i should go talk to you, but i never did. i met you a few weeks later, delighted when a mutual friend introduced us. we have a mutual friend, that has to be a good sign.

...but then i dated someone else who hurt me badly and i didn't talk to you for a long time.

the mutual friend told me he gave you my number, and i got really mad and embarrassed. you never called me, but i don't think it is because you didn't want to. in january, i saw you at a club. i was there with the same friends. i caught you looking at me. you caught me looking at you, but neither of us was brave enough to start a conversation.

two days later, i met you again at a party. and you left before i did. when i got home, i instant messaged you (the perfect medium for shy geeks). it turned out that we have the same favorite songs and the same favorite bands. i was so happy and so proud of myself. we talked every day for two weeks.

yesterday, i went to see your band again. you walked right up to me and talked to me, asking me if i was going to stick around to hear you play. i started to notice more things about you: how your hair kinda curls at the ends, how your glasses are a little thicker than mine, and how you smile when you talk to me.

you asked me to go see superdrag with you; we spoke in song lyrics and obscure album references.

later that night, you asked me if i knew that one of your friends had a crush on one of my friends. we decided to play matchmaker. you asked me if i was matched already, and i offhandedly told you i was working on it. you said you were working on someone too and whoever i'm working on is one lucky guy. i asked if you had any crushes and you told me you had one, but you couldn't tell me because i might tell her. we were both thoroughly obviously talking about each other.

you asked me if you could give me a valentine, even if i had this crush.

the next time i see you, i will finally tell you. maybe i'll just make you a tape full of hinty song lyrics and obscure album references. either way, i think you'll get the point.


Monday, February 26, 2001


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